Customer Guide For Before Buying Microwave

At brand, it is a strong belief that our customers enjoy their food- when it comes to kitchen appliances. Many people find cooking very tedious and like a job, but why not try to make it a fun activity that you are looking forward to, even after a long day. Therefore, the following features are kept in mind in each microwave oven, bringing the best in every purchase.

Healthcare: Brand is also concerned about your health! Your health is essential, which plays a vital role in the valuable corner of our microwave ovens. Certified recipes approved by the Heart Care Foundation of India will take great care of your heart and your taste buds!

Diet Fry- another innovative feature that allows you to prepare foods (vegetarians and vegetarians alike) with minimal fat intake.

Indian Roti Basket: Prepare 12 types of bread from Blecha to naan, all at the touch of a button.

Pasteurized Milk: We have all been in a situation where we expect the milk to boil spilled on the stove no matter where we stand right on the edge of the counter. Discard the regular/standard way of boiling milk and rely on your microwave for that. With a brand new ‘Pasteurize milk’ feature that retains nutrients and removes harmful bacteria.

Ghee: In 12 minutes, make clean, healthy ghee with these ovens!

Motorized Ritosirrie- do you like barbequing? All of the microwave ovens mentioned above come with stylish grills, stainless steel, and stalls that make cooking even more enjoyable, and your chicken and paneer tastier, heat in the right places to keep it soft on the inside and shiny on the outside.

Stainless steel cavity: This ensures better reflection, even heat, to make your meal warmer.

Automatic Cooking Menu: The Auto cook menu comes with a pre-set menu; select the meal you want, press ‘start’, and have it with a bit of time story.

Microwave Oven Recipe Book: Learn how to cook unusual, authentic, delicious, and healthy foods using the provided Microwave Oven Recipes provided.

Multi cook Tawa: A specially packaged tray for dishes that require extra brown and low temperature.

Keep Warm: Hot food stays warm for 90 minutes.

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